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Notifying beneficiaries as an independent executor

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2023 | Estate Administration |

As an independent executor, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of your responsibilities with respect to estate administration. In the wake of losing a loved one, dealing with estate issues can prove challenging, especially for those struggling with overwhelming emotions. However, it is pivotal to stay focused and do everything in your power to manage your loved one’s estate appropriately.

In addition to publishing a notice to creditors, you should review other responsibilities you have as an independent executor, such as notifying beneficiaries.

Sending a notice to every beneficiary

According to Harris County’s Probate Courts site, independent executors have to notify every beneficiary listed in a will in no more than 60 days after becoming appointed. The notice, sent via certified mail with return receipt, must contain various types of information. For example, you must inform beneficiaries that the decedent’s will has entered probate and list the decedent’s name as well as the address and name of the beneficiary. You must inform the beneficiary that the will named them as a beneficiary and provide your name and contact details.

Filing an affidavit of notice with the court

In no more than 90 days after becoming appointed, you have to file an affidavit of notice informing the court that you have notified every beneficiary. This affidavit must contain the names and addresses of beneficiaries you notified and any beneficiaries you could not locate or notify.

If you have questions about your obligations as an independent executor or any other facets of estate administration, it is crucial to find answers and carefully go over the details of your circumstances.