A Tradition Of Excellence In Estate Planning, Wills And Trusts, Estate Administration And Guardianship Law Since 1975.

Disinheriting your family member the right way

On Behalf of | Dec 16, 2019 | Fiduciary Representation |

You have recently begun to rethink your will and are considering modifying the heirs you have designated in your original estate plan. Fortunately for you, changing things around is relatively easy and allows you to make needed modifications as your life changes. However, disinheriting a family member can be a bit stressful as you try to do it without causing hurt feelings. At Doehring & Doehring Attorneys at Law, we have helped many families in Texas to coordinate, modify and finalize their estate plan.

According to Psychology Today, there are different reasons why you may consider disinheriting someone from your will. A common reason is because you have discovered that another family member would benefit more from the proceeds you have listed. You also may have decided to gift monetary benefits to family members who are kinder or who have been more supportive throughout the years.

Your best bet at disclosing the change without sounding completely inconsiderate is to approach it from a perspective where you let the disinherited individual know that you have changed your mind based off of the changing needs and circumstances of another family member. Another option is to be completely honest in discussing why you have made your decision. Ultimately, it is your will and you have the power and right to make desired changes. If you approach the discussion with understanding, you may be able to mitigate contention before it destroys a valued relationship.

By understanding the best way to bring up a discussion about disinheriting someone you have previously named in your will, you can be better prepared to articulate why you have made your decision. For more information about planning an estate, visit our web page.